Wirral Yoga Classes
YOGA for Healthy Lower Backs
Specialised, Evidence-Based 12-Week Courses
Back discomfort is a common problem. Now there is an innovative evidence-based way to improve back health and function. The ‘YOGA for Healthy Lower Backs’ programme gently and progressively aims to help people get back to being more active again.
Learn skills to improve your health for the long-term. Ask your GP whether this gentle, evidence-based, specially-modified yoga course is appropriate for you (show them our www.yogaforbacks.co.uk website). Enjoy helping yourself with this yoga ‘toolkit’, as many others have.
Yoga Class Format
The 12 x 75 minute class course comprises easy foundational yoga poses. Props such as a yoga block, blanket or belt are used to aid effectiveness and to ensure absolute comfort.
Participants learn yoga for pain-relief, healing and improvement of their back health for now and the future. Aims are re-education and re-alignment of the body plus raised self-awareness. Poses include standing, sitting, kneeling and lying down with stable comfort.
Why ‘YOGA for Healthy Lower Backs?
You know exactly what you will get – the same yoga, taught in the same way, according to the same educational materials, as in the research itself. No need to wait until your next back episode recurs, before starting the course.
The course is designed to give you long-term benefits. You will be taught to bring postural improvements, mental focus and relaxation techniques into your daily life. In the research, benefits were still found a year after starting the yoga. Nine months after their 12-week course had finished, the majority of the research trial’s yoga group were still practising yoga at home approx. 30 minutes twice a week.
Expect to pay more for these therapeutic classes than for general yoga classes because they are taught in smaller groups but with its educational, single course, self-management approach, ‘YOGA for Healthy Lower Backs’ is considered to be cost-effective.
Next course starts in September 2019
Venue : Mayer Hall, Bebington
Cost £96 for the 12 week course,including handouts and CD, student handbook to be purchased separately.
Please ring me to register your interest
If any class is missed you can attend again on the next course subject to availability.
I am happy to take the payment in two instalments, £ 56 for the first half of the course and then £40